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The 'Golden Age' On Hollyburn Mountain 
1938/1939 Ski Season

Canadian Ski Year Report, Photos from HHS Archives

Hollyburn Mtn. 1939

Vancouver Ski Zone

Reviewing the 1938-39 season presents a problem of no small dimensions; so many and varied were the aims of this Zone Committee that it is almost impossible to avoid missing some of them. We will do our best, however, to cover the most important points and present a picture of what has taken place and of our plans for the future. Five additional clubs were included in this Zone last year, four of which were also new to the C.A.S.A., bringing our strength up to a total of eighteen member clubs. Two other new clubs have signified their intention of becoming affiliated this season.

Without doubt, the most important single effort undertaken by this Committee was the North Shore Park Campaign. This ambitious project, the creation of a Public Winter Park in our ski grounds, including Hollyburn, Grouse and Seymour Mountains, has been the object of our most strenuous efforts for the last eighteen months. While by no means realized as yet, we can point with pride to the work already accomplished. A definite start in development has been on Mount Seymour where a large number of hails for all types of skiers have been cut by the British Columbia Forest Service and a start made on the construction of a first-class highway. The work on the highway is at present suspended, but we have hopes that it will shortly be started again. Part of the campaign consisted of a Skiers' Mass Meeting in the new Hotel Vancouver on July 6, which was attended by over 1,500 skiers. Considering the normal lack of interest in ski-ing during the summer months this meeting made a remarkable impression and should it become necessary to repeat the dose during the winter months an attendance of twice as many would not be unexpected.

A Radio Broadcast Committee was set up last season and did an excellent job of acquainting the public with ski-ing through a series of weekly programs and the broadcasting of the Western Canada Championships and one or two local meets.

This Zone also designed and made available for all member clubs a standard ski guard badge. Ski guards, as evolved here, are skiers specially selected to act as safety policemen to regulate ski traffic and to co-operate with the first aid men when needed. They are appointed by the clubs and are issued a badge of authority. These men take charge of the race courses, keep them clear for the contestants, keep unauthorized persons from practicing slalom on the jumping-hills, and attempt to protect the general public (and the skiers) from unnecessary risks.

Another important step was the program of ski instruction carried out with the cooperation of the Provincial Department of Recreation and Physical Education and Peter Vajda. Easter week was set aside for a series of mass instruction classes. which were well attended, the results showing almost immediately. Plans for regular instruction during the season are being made by some of the clubs and the cost is to be included in the fees.

Standard jumping hill design was made available to all western clubs through this Zone and our Film Library was also greatly increased and made open to all C.A.S.A. clubs.

First aid for skiers was again provided by the St. John Ambulance Brigade. Their efforts are deeply appreciated by all our skiers.

Other activities included the routine ones of tournament regulation, gathering and distribution of prizes, annual snow-train excursion and provision of office space for the clubs which require it. This Zone will again maintain a centrally located office for the coming season.

The Annual Meeting of the Vancouver Ski Zone Committee was held on September 28, 1939, and a decision was reached to tryout a recommendation of the retiring chairman that a commission form of management be set up. It was felt that this would simplify the matter of government and be much more efficient than the full Zone Meeting every two weeks during the winter. The Commission consists of the Zone Chairman and four Commissioners assisted by a Secretary-Treasurer.

Mr. C. J. Hutchinson not standing for reelection, Mr. H. G. Garrish, of the Vancouver Ski Club, was unanimously elected to the position of Chairman, and the following Commissioners were also elected: Mr. K. H. S. Hague, Vancouver Winter Sports Club; Mr. J. L. Loutet, Grouse Mountain Ski Club; Mr. Fred Hudson, Hollyburn Pacific Ski Club; Mr. Ralph MacKenzie, Tyee Ski Runners. C. J. Hutchinson was appointed Secretary-Treasurer.

Canadian Ski Year Report Courtesy of the Canadian Ski Hall of Fame & Museum

Hollyburn Mountain Photo Gallery