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- > Hollyburn Lodge - Thank you for being part of the future! - Jackie Swanson
- > "It Takes a Community to Build a Lodge" - Kevin Healy
- > Hollyburn Lodge Renewal Project Photos (2016)
- > Hollyburn Lodge Renewal Project Photos (2015)
- > Hollyburn Lodge Farewell BBQ - April 24, 2015
- > Hollyburn Lodge Restoration Project Timeline
Proposed Fred Burfield's Tractor/Bombardier Museum at First Lake
- > Fred Burfield's Bombardier on Hollyburn Mountain -Vintage Photos
- > The Restoration of Fred Burfield's Bombardier - Steve Richards
- > The Restoration of Fred Burfield’s Bombardier - Photos
- > John Deere Tractors on Hollyburn Mtn - Video & Photos
- > Fred Burfield's John Deere Tractor Restoration Project – Peter Tapp
- > Fred Burfield's John Deere Tractor Restoration Project - Video & Photos
- > Fred Burfield's John Deere Tractor After Restoration - Photos & Video
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- > Howe Sound Crest Trail 2020
- > Views from the Major Summits in Cypress Provincial Park (Photos)
- > The Hollyburn Shoulder & Romstads Run (Photos & Video)
- > Hollyburn Plateau Lakes (Photos)
- > Hollyburn Plateau Lakes (Videos)
- > Hollyburn Mountain Public Access Trail
- > Hollyburn Lodge, First Lake (Videos)
- > Hollyburn Ridge Lakes (Photos)
- > West Lake (Videos)
- > Blue Gentian Lake Videos
- > Hollyburn Ridge Creeks (Videos)
- > Natural Historians at Work on the Brothers Creek Trail (July 2013 - Photos & Video)
- > Old Growth Conservancy on Hollyburn Ridge (Photos)
- > Black Mountain Plateau Lakes (Photos)
- > Yew Lake In Cypress Provincial Park (Powerpoint Slides, Photos & Videos)
- > North Shore Mountains Historical Timeline (1875 - 2010)
- > Artifacts of Yesteryear (A.G.M. F.)
- > The History of Hollyburn Lodge - Don Grant
- > Hollyburn Lodge Photos (1924-1984)
- > Hollyburn Lodge Videos: "Hollyburn Lodge Through the Seasons & Generations"
- > The Hollyburn Trail (1922-1927) Articles by Pollough Pogue
- > “The Ski Camp At the ‘Old Mill’ Site” – Eilif Haxthow’s Hollyburn Journal (October 1924 - January 1928)
- > Searching for the Nasmyth Mill Site - Part 1 (Don Grant)
- > The Hollyburn Pacific Ski Club of Vancouver, B.C. - Rudolph J. Verne (1927)
- > Hollyburn Mountain Articles by Pollough Pogue (1927) & Photos from HHS Archives
- > The Swedes At the Hollyburn Ski Camp (1927 -1946)
- > The Burfield Family At Hollyburn Ski Lodge (1946 -1983)
- > History of Hollyburn Ridge - Ted Russell
- > Walks in West Vancouver - Hikes on Hollyburn Ridge (1929
- > Hi-View Lodge & the Chairlift (1951 – 1965)
- > Hollyburn Ridge Brochure circa 1954
- > 1962 Boy Scout Map of Hollyburn Mtn
- > West Lake Camp/Lodge (1932 - 1938) "The Other Side of the Mountain"
- > Westlake Ski Lodge (1939 – 1987)
Prose & Poetry
- > "Heritage of Hollyburn – Holmenkollen (Cabin 225)"
- > "The History of the HWTC" – Bob Tapp
- > "The Bread Lady's Cabin" - Vince Hernandez
- > "Cabin Builders on Hollyburn Ridge (1930’s)" - Hal Plumsteel
- > "Hollyburn Cabin ‘North Plus Fours’ Through the Generations" - Don Grant
- > "Many A Notch In Time" - A.G.M.F.
- > "The Building of Alasker Inn" - Dick Andersen
- > "Par-a-dice Inn" - Jack Branston
- > "Youthful Days on Hollyburn Mtn – 1960’s (Part 1)" - A.G.M.F.
- > "Youthful Days on Hollyburn Mtn – 1960’s (Part 2)" - A.G.M.F.
- > "Braced for Every Season" A.G.M.F.
- > "Hollyburn Hideaways" - A.G.M.F.
- > "Cabineers" - A.G.M.F.
- > "Called To Higher Ground" - A.G.M.F.
- > "After Autumn Leaves" - A.G.M.F.
- > "Ridgeline Vignettes" - A.G.M.F.
- > "A Reverent Ode to the Outdoor Commode" - A.G.M.F.
- > "A Ramble on Hollyburn Ridge" - A.G.M.F.
- > "When A Mountain Comes to Mind" - A.G.M.F.
- > "A Fine Place to Rest" - A.G.M.F.
- > "To A Cabin In the Woods" - A.G.M.F.
- > "HEWN BY HAND" - A.G.M.F.
- > "On Winter At First Lake" - A.G.M.F.
- > "Hollyburn Lodge" - A.G.M.F.
- > "A Curious Encounter" - A.G.M.F.
- > Cabins
Competitive Sports
The Jack & Thelma Hutchinson Collection
- > The Jack & Thelma Hutchinson Collection (Page 2) Photos
- > The Jack & Thelma Hutchinson Collection (Page 3) Photos
- > The Jack & Thelma Hutchinson Collection (Page 4) Photos
- > The Jack & Thelma Hutchinson Collection (Page 5) Photos
- > The Jack & Thelma Hutchinson Collection (Page 6) Photos
- > The Jack & Thelma Hutchinson Collection (Page 7) Photos
- > The Jack & Thelma Hutchinson Collection (Page 8) Photos
- > The Jack & Thelma Hutchinson Collection (Page 9) Photos
- > The Jack & Thelma Hutchinson Collection (Page 10) Photos
- > The Jack & Thelma Hutchinson Collection (Page 11) Documents
- > The Jack & Thelma Hutchinson Collection (Page 12) Documents
The 'Golden Age' on Hollyburn Mtn (1927/1928 & 1928/1929 Ski Seasons)
- > The 'Golden Age' on Hollyburn Mtn (1929/30 & 1930/1931 Ski Seasons)
- > The 'Golden Age' on Hollyburn Mtn (1931/32 & 1932/1933 Ski Seasons)
- > The 'Golden Age' on Hollyburn Mtn (1933/34 Ski Season)
- > The 'Golden Age' on Hollyburn Mtn (1934/35 Ski Season)
- > The 'Golden Age' on Hollyburn Mtn (1935/1936 Ski Season)
- > The 'Golden Age' on Hollyburn Mtn (1936/1937 Ski Season)
- > The 'Golden Age' on Hollyburn Mtn (1937/1938 Ski Season)
- > The 'Golden Age' on Hollyburn Mtn (1938/1939 Ski Season)
Pollough Pogue's Hiker & Skier Magazine - Volumes 1 & 2 (1932/1933)
- > Pollough Pogue's Hiker & Skier Magazine - Volume 3 (1934/1935)
- > Pollough Pogue's Hiker & Skier Magazine - Volume 4 (1935/1936)
- > Pollough Pogue's Hiker & Skier Magazine - Volume 5 (1936/1937)
- > Pollough Pogue's Hiker & Skier Magazine - Volume 6 (1937/1938)
- > Pollough Pogue's Hiker & Skier Magazine - Volume 7 (1938/1939) Nos. 1, 2, 3
- > Pollough Pogue's Hiker & Skier Magazine - Volume 7 (1938/1939) Nos. 6, 7, 8
- > Heroes of the Harnessed Hickory (Parts 1 & 2)
- > Heroes of the Harnessed Hickory (Parts 3 & 4
- > Hollyburn Mountain
- > Grouse Mountain
- > Mount Seymour
- > Princeton
- > Revelstoke
- > Banff, Alberta
- > Pacific Northwest - Snoqualmie & Mt Hood
The Jack & Thelma Hutchinson Collection
Recreational Skiing
Recreational Skiing In Cypress Provincial Park
- > Historic Ski Runs On Hollyburn Mountain
- > Recreational Skiing on Hollyburn Mountain - 1920's & 1930's (Photos)
- > Recreational Skiing on Hollyburn Mountain - 1940's (Photos)
- > Recreational Skiing on Hollyburn Mountain - 1930's, 1940's, 1950's (Videos)
- > Recreational Skiing on Hollyburn Mountain - 1950's & 1960's (Photos)
- > Recreational Skiing on Hollyburn Mountain - 1970's (Photos)
- > Historic Ski Runs On Mount Strachan (Photos)
- > Recreational Skiing On Black Mountain (Photos)
- > Recreational Skiing On Grouse Mountain (Photos)
- > Recreational Skiing On Mt. Seymour (Video & Photos)
- > Recreational Skiing Near Princeton, BC (Photos)
- > Recreational Skiing On Mount Baker (Photos)
Recreational Skiing In Cypress Provincial Park
The Trail to Hollyburn Peak (Photos & Video)
- > Lake Country on Hollyburn Mountain
- > Historic References to Yew Lake (Cypress Lake) - 1920's
- > Yew Lake & Black Mtn
- > Howe Sound Crest Trail Part 1 - Mount Strachan
- > Howe Sound Crest Trail Part 2 - Strachan Meadows to West Lion Peak
- > Howe Sound Crest Trail Part 3 - West Lion To Deeks Lake
- > Mt Brunswick Peak from Porteau Cove circa 1940 (Varsity Outdoor Club)
- > Hiking Near Grouse Mtn
Garibaldi Provincial Park
- > Explorations In Garibaldi Provincial Park - 1930's
- > Garibaldi Provincial Park: Around Garibaldi Lake
- > Garibaldi Provincial Park: Elfin Lakes & Diamond Head
- > The Black Tusk
- > "The Brandvolds of Diamond Head" - Irene Howard
- > Brandvold Family Reunion At Diamond Head Chalet – September 15, 2007
- > Garibaldi Provincial Park Hike Videos - Summer 2019
The Trail to Hollyburn Peak (Photos & Video)
Cypress Now
- > Cypress Creek Lodge
- > X-Country Skiing & Snowshoeing Videos
Snowshoeing Photos
- > Snowshoe Trails To Hollyburn Lodge
- > Ancient Giants & Marr Giant Connector Trail
- > Ridge Traverse Trail
- > Ridge Fall Line Trail
- > Far East Trail
- > Upper Glades Loop Trail
- > Public Access Trail to Hollyburn Peak
- > Snowshoeing On the Black Mtn Plateau
- > Snowshoeing On Mt. Strachan
- > Howe Sound Crest Trail To Bowen Lookout & Binkert Kiosk
Hiking Photos & Videos
- > Cypress Provincial Park Map - Section 1 (West)
- > Cypress Provincial Park Map - Section 2 (East)
- > 10 Minute Trail to Hollyburn Lodge (March 2013 - Photos)
- > Hollyburn Lodge via the Westlake Road & the Main Trail (April 2013 - Photos)
- > Brothers Creek Trail to the Junction with Crossover Trail (April 2013 - Photos & Video)
- > Brothers Creek Trail to the Junction with Blue Gentian Trail (April 2013 - Photos)
- > Brothers Creek Trail - Crossover Trail Junction to the Upper Falls (July 2013 - Photos & Video)
- > Baden-Powell Trail to the Snowline (May 2013 - Photos)
- > Views of Lawson Creek along the Baden-Powell Trail to the Crossover Trail (May 2013 - Photos)
- > Crossover Trail on Hollyburn Ridge (June 2013 - Photos & Video)
- > Trail to Blue Gentian Lake & the Baden-Powell Trail from the Upper Brothers Creek Bridge (October 2013 - Photos)
- > Blue Gentian Lake to Hollyburn Lodge via West Lake (November 2013 - Photos)
- > Descent of the Fire Access Road In WV's Upper Lands (July 2013 - Photos))
- > Upper Brothers Creek Trail to Lost Lake (July 2013 - Photos)
- > Views of Small Lakes & Ponds along the Unknown Lake Trail (August 2017 - Photos)
- > Hollyburn Peak via the Powerline Trail & the Plateau (July 2013 - Photos)
- > Hollyburn Plateau via the junction of the Baden-Powell Trail & the Old Strachan Trail (July 2013 - Photos)
- > Old Trail to Mount Strachan - Part 1 (August 2013 - Photos)
- > Old Trail to Mount Strachan - Part 2 (August 2013 - Photos)
- > Black Mountain (July 23 - Photos)
- > HSCT East - Trailhead to Binkert Kiosk (July 2013 - Photos)
- > HSCT - Binkert Kiosk to Mt. St. Marks (July 2013 - Photos)
- > HSCT Trail (Summer 2017 & 2018 - Photos)
- > Partners
- > Site Map
Explorations in Garibaldi Provincial Park - 1930's
In August 1937, BC Mountaineering Club members Peter and Margaret Harper, Paula and Anne Dagger, and Elda Murray spent several days in Garibaldi Provincial Park, climbing three peaks near Garibaldi Lake. The following account of their adventures was most likely written by Paula Dagger, although no name appears on the original type-written document.
Because of inclement weather during the first week of their stay, they did not venture far from HADAMU Camp (HArper-DAgger-MUrray), which was situated on the Black Tusk Meadows. Improved weather conditions during the second week allowed them to ascend Panorama Ridge, the Black Tusk, and Mount Garibaldi, the latter climb led by a legendary BCMC climber named Tom Fyles. (Anne Dagger stayed at HADAMU CAMP during the Garibaldi climb.)
Although unremarkable in some respects, "GARIBALDI PARK - HADAMU CAMP" connects us in a very personal way to a way of life and a view of the world quite different from our own.
HHS has yet to find the photos and movie film referred to in the journal. Most of the photos displayed below were taken by Hollyburn Mountain pioneer Gerry Hardman during trips to Garibaldi Park in 1929 and 1938. EDITOR - Donald Grant (son of Elda Murray)
Arrive Union S.S. Pier, 11.30 a.m. via taxi. Beautiful day. Leave Vancouver little after 12 noon. (Unable to check baggage as groceries).
At 12.30 sharp went into dining room and remained there until put out by Steward, in spite of Peter's protestations. Sail up the sound delightful - clear and not too warm. Arrive at Squamish about 4.30 p.m. and thoroughly enjoy trip via P.G.E. through the Cheakamus Canyon. Anne regaled herself with the company of three gentlemen? indulging in a game of bridge which she was regretfully forced to abandon in order to alight at Garibaldi. Alec Munroe met the train and his hearty welcome at once put us at ease and from then on our enjoyment increased immeasurably.
After meeting Mr. Price of the Garibaldi Park Board, Alec took us over to his cabin, made tea, and made us feel at home generally. After dinner we went to meadows to bring in the horses, Paula, Elda and Peter being treated to a horse-back ride. The next item on our program was a trip down to visit Mrs. Crane (Charlie Crane's Mother - the blind man), from where Peter telephoned home for his Alpine stalks. We enjoyed the visit with Mrs. Crane and the music which Anne so generously rendered, but as the hour was getting late we hastened home. We all enjoyed a good night's rest, but during the early morning the sound of raindrops on the roof awakened us in consternation, and Alec was obliged to turn out P.D.Q. to cover the baggage.
Tuesday - August 10 (HIKE to the BLACK TUSK MEADOWS CAMPSITE)
We arose about 6 a.m., washed and breakfasted, and consulted regarding the weather. After much deliberation we decided that in as much as Alec had to make the trip to the Meadows in any case, that weather or no weather, we too would go. From the time we started until we arrived it rained. This, however, failed to dampen our enthusiasm. The flowers along the way simply overwhelmed us with their beauty. Never before have we seen such a display of wild flowers, or even been so impressed by those of the cultured variety.
On our arrival at the Meadows Alec and Harry were waiting with tea and sandwiches to which we did ample justice. After we were refreshed, Alec assisted us in getting the camp started. So far there has been only (one) unfortunate incident in our trip, and that is the inability of Elda to carry her Gardenia, but we believe that time will heal the wound.
Alec left us about 3.30 p.m. and during the next hour we were very busy indeed bringing in trees for poles, boughs for beds, wood for fire, and putting the tent up. About 5.30 pm, we were able to call it a day and refreshed ourselves with tea, cheese and crackers, fruitcake, homemade bread and blackberry jam. YUMMMMMMMMMMMM!
Casualty, No.1. Anne gave up her lunch and in spite strenuous protestations was disrobed and dressed in dry clothing, and placed in a sleeping bag to thaw out. Elda meantime developed a wetness, and to see her in a suit of Cran’s BVD’s reinforced from the waist down by a towel . . . . & to complete this fetching ensemble green sox, brown brogues, blue sweater were applied and added materially to her comfort. The Harpers – WELL – THEY’RE TOUGH !!!
Wednesday - August 11 (HADAMU CAMP, BLACK TUSK MEADOWS & a STROLL up the LOWER SLOPES of the TUSK)
Awake at 5 a.m. Sky is broken and sun shining through in spots. After much deliberation we decided to turn out. While Peter was making the tea he suddenly called us to see the most beautiful deer not more than thirty yards from the tent. It showed no fear and after watching us for a few minutes walked quietly away.
Before going further probably one of the most important points in our trip so far is the wonderful location in which we are camped. Directly to the north lies one of the peaks of the Black Tusk. Slopes rising right from the front of our tents, which face this Peak on either side, and crystal streams murmur on their way to Lake Garibaldi. The beauty of these Meadows simply beggar description. ACRE upon acre of rolling meadow land – not rocky but covered with soil and vegetation meets the eye on all sides.
After breakfast we commenced to put the camp in order and erect 'he other tent. By noon we had accomplished this to our satisfaction. Camp is clean, the tents up. end everything as comfy as can be. We had bacon tor lunch and BOY! was it good! After lunch we were all enjoying a siesta when we were honored with a visit from Mr.
Wallis and Mr. Crocker. After visiting for a while tea was served, biscuits jam and cheese. We then went for a stroll up the slopes of Black Tusk, climbing about 1500 feet. We saw two Marmot and heard one Grouse drumming. The slopes are covered with a profusion of flowers which beggar description, and a magnificent bouquet now adorns our table. The varieties consist of Indian Paint Brush, Rain Orchid, Lupin and wild Columbine, with other blooms in yellow and gold shades.
We returned to our camp at 5.30 and Peter made the tire and a delicious repast of rice and lentils (which satisfied) our never flagging appetites. The mosquitos tendered us an especially warm welcome and we found smudges necessary to chase than out of our tent. In preparation for tomorrow’s meals figs and apricots are cooking over the fire.
The sky is grey, the wind has changed to the West, there is a new moon, and prospects tor better weather seem quite good. We are making it a habit each evening before retiring to refresh ourselves by reading from "The Greatest Thing in the World" and "Lessons in Truth." 7.30 and it looks lib lights out! GOOD EVENING!
P.S.! Just as we were getting ready to turn in for the night we were surprised with a visit from Donald Gray who is down at the Wallis Camp. Donald is always welcome and we were glad indeed to see him. After talking tor a while we served tea and retired about 9.30.
This morning we did not seem to come to life quite so early as usual. At six o' clock the camp was all quiet but on the appearance of the sun we all turned out after what proved to be a very delightful night's rest. Anne and Elda enjoyed a breakfast of figs and toast while the Harpers dined on hot cakes and apricots. The weather did not look sufficiently promising to warrant our taking a trip either to Garibaldi Lake or Panorama Ridge, so we kept busy bringing in wood, gathering bark, and tidying around the camp generally, after which we played bridge until after lunch.
Lunch consisted of Julienne (ham) augmented by crackers and jam, and Elda and Anne had endless slices of melba toast along with the Harper lady. Peter confined his activities to Julienne alone. After lunch we commenced to look for the arrival of Alec, but our hopes were unwarranted as he failed to put in an appearance. The weather still continues unsettled - odd drops of rain falling from time to time, but not enough to inconvenience us in any way except to confine our activities strictly to camp. From time to time especially beautiful cloud effects were visible and many pictures were taken of the camp, Black Tusk Meadows, etc.
Late in the afternoon the conversation drifted around to topics of a more serious nature when world affairs were discussed. Mrs. Harper decided that she would like to have a nap so about 4 p.m. she retired to her boudoir where she enjoyed the most refreshing sleep until 6 p.m. In the meantime we three urchins as usual mindful of satisfying the inner man (what about the inner woman, Peter?) commenced to plan the evening meal, which we succeeded in preparing without wakening Mrs. H. The result of our labors seemed to meet with unanimous approval and voted the best meal of a decade. It consisted of rice and lentil patties, fried back bacon and green string beans, banana fruit jello, Dad’s Cookies, and coffee beyond compare. After supper the order of the day seemed to be the laundering of all and sundry soiled clothing.
I wakened during the night to find it raining, and when morning broke we decided that it was much wiser to stay warm and snug in bed than to get up so breakfast was postponed until about 9.30. Anne and Elda made mellograin and figs and the Harpers had Roman Meal and apricots. The weather continued to act up in a most disgraceful manner - rain turned to hail and snow, accompanied by heavy wind. During the few lulls in this storm we sallied forth to secure as much fuel as possible, as keeping a fire going constantly consumes large quantities of wood.
Lunch consisted of our old standby the famous Julienne, with the addition of crackers, cheese and jam. Shortly before lunch we were honored by a visit from Jack Walsh from Wallis' camp. Jack had the misfortune to scald his leg badly about a week ago and was rather anxious regarding its condition. (We) dressed the wound for him, and after a little visit he returned to his camp. The afternoon we whiled away very comfortably, playing bridge. The Harper tent was rendered snug and cosy by a heap of heated rocks which completely dispelled the gloom and cold air. From time to time we anxiously surveyed the weather and consulted the barometer, and had to reluctantly admit that immediate prospects for improvement in the weather were very distant.
For the evening meal we had bacon and rice pudding, by Elda Murray with raisins, (the pudding, not Elda) and Dad’s Cookies. About 5.30 a young Locinvar came out of the West in the person of Harold _____. Harold seemed to the rest of us to take the weather condition seriously and said that indications were that it would rain for a day or two. He was on his way to First Meadows to meet Evelyn Tye who is expected on today's train. We do not envy his journey. It is now 6.45 and snowing and sleeting very heavily. It looks as though we might have six inches of snow by morning! Heigh Ho!
Well - we had snow. Not six inches it is true, but enough to cover the ground with a blanket and bedeck the tree's in a fantastic manner. The roots of the tents had at least an inch of snow frozen on them. The night we spent quite comfortably and warm the only excitement being the invasion of the Harper domicile by a wee mouse, which chose to use Peter's head for a skating rink!
The sky cleared off, large blue patches appearing from time to time with some sunshine, but in spite of these promises for fair weather the clouds look low over the hills, and from time to time a few drops of rain end hail fell. We took full advantage of the snowfall to obtain photographs of this most unusual phenomena and hope that the results may justify our expectations. The morning was spent primarily in gathering wood of which we obtained a large quantity. We all breakfasted on apricots and porridge and coffee. For lunch we had our renowned Julienne, and sausages and new carrots, and we finished off with bread and jam.
The afternoon was spent in holding first ourselves and then blankets around the fire. We played one round of bridge but decided in favor of keeping warm before the fire. One very enjoyable incident was our sing-song of the morning. Our famous quartette functioned in its various well-known roles. For the evening meal we had delicious pancakes of various sizes, and orange jello. The sky is now completely overcast - the Tusk is bathed in mist - while the south and east appear to be slightly more promising. The barometer has risen two points and we feel that perhaps the weather is gradually clearing.
The day’s activities we will now bring to a close by continuing our reading from "The Greatest Thing in the World.”
Sunday - August 15 (PANORAMA RIDGE HIKE)
Awake and up at 7 a.m. Breakfasted on fruit and porridge. All enjoyed a good night' a rest and Lady Margaret had the unique experience which Peter enjoyed the previous night, of having a visit from Mickey Mouse, who scampered merrily over her fair brow. The weather seemed more promising than at any time since our arrival, so having cleared up the breakfast dishes we prepared to make a trip to Panorama Ridge by way of Wallis' Camp. Leaving our camp at 10:20 we arrived at Wallis’ s in a few minutes and after chatting for a short time proceeded on our way up Panorama Ridge.
From the time we left (the) timberline until we reached the summit of the first peak we were spellbound by the magnificent scenery, and the turquoise blue of Garibaldi Lake which lay at our feet. Table Mtn., Garibaldi, Red Mtn. and Copper Peak and Sentinel Glacier were primarily visible. Many pictures were taken and all are earnestly hoping that they may do justice to the beauty of the occasion.
Sitting down in a sheltered nook facing Garibaldi Mtn. we refreshed ourselves with chocolate bars and nuts and then proceeded toward the main peak of the Ridge. About 1 o'clock we arrived at the Cairn and took several pictures of the Tusk, Helmet Glacier, Desolation Valley, Castle Towers, including Phyllis' Engine.
Commencing the return trip the ladies of the party made a detour across Helmet Glacier and joined with Peter later. Just below the main peak we met Mr. Little, a librarian from Boston who is in the district photographing wild flowers, particularly those Alpine specimens above the timberline. He assured us that this district is equal in beauty if not superior to that of the Alps, which he has visited. We found Mr. Little very interesting and were glad indeed to have met him.
We proceeded on (our) way downward, and when about at timberline were delighted to hear the sound of Alec's bell and on looking into the Meadows by Wallis Camp we observed his horses at pasture. After conferring we decided to return home by way a little north of the W. camp and Alec rode out and met us and gave us the news of bringing in ten people this trip. He· also reported something, which we regretted to learn, and that is that he had been to see the doctor who informed him that be had a heart condition, which would necessitate an extended rest.
Having left Alec we had only proceeded a short distance when we observed a lady descending one of the little draws and concluded that someone had lost their way coming in, but on approaching we discovered it was Mrs. Dr. Fred Bell who had been sketching at the Tusk.
On arrival at our camp we made fire and tea, and Alec came over but did not stay for tea, as he was short of time. We had a delicious dinner, including soup, bacon, toast, jello and apricots, to all of which we each did ample justice.
SUNDAY P.S. – We were sitting the fire chatting and toasting rnarshmellows when along came Donald Gray. We had a regular sing-song and then the whole party seemed to become imbued with the spirit of the wilds. The only seeming adequate means of expression developed into a sort of Indian war-dance or pow-wow, with tom toms and yelling and war whoops which resounded across the meadows and over the mountains. This expression of exuberance continued for some time, and about 9 p.rn. we served Postum. After having sung “The End of a Perfect Day” and "Good Night Ladies" etc., Donald went home.
The sunset tonight was particularly beautiful. The clouds over the Tantalus range were exquisitely coloured. After having looked at the moon several times, and all was shipshape for the night, we all turned in about 9.30.
Monday - August 16 (ASCENT of the BLACK TUSK)
We were all up at 7 a.m. - beautiful bright morning, and we decided that it was the day to climb the Tusk. After breakfast when the camp was in order, we started for the Tusk about 9.30.
About 1,000 feet above the camp a movie was taken of the party crossing the rock slide. After we came to the top of the ridge we looked down and saw someone coming up from the direction of the Wallis Camp. This proved to be Donald Gray whom we were very glad to see. He had figured out that we would be on our way up to the Tusk and his protective instincts told him to come along, as we had never been up before. Further up the slope we spotted a party of five and concluded that this must be Tom Fyles and his party.
When we came within hailing distance Mrs. Harper let out a lusty shout "Is that you, Tom?" and he shouted back, "Yes!” She said, "This is Margaret," and he yelled back, "Hello, Margaret!"
They climbed one of the first chimneys while we proceeded around to the back and made the ascent via the fourth chimney. Donald led the
way and passed the rope down to the rest of the party, who all took advantage of it except Mr. Harper.
On reaching the summit we found Tom and his party of four - greetings were exchanged - and reminiscences were indulged in. In a few minutes a couple more young chaps, one from Vancouver end the other from Victoria, joined us. They were apparently climbing each and every chimney on the Tusk! Many pictures and movie shots wore taken from the Peak in all directions, visibility being especially good. The possibility of a trip to Garibaldi was discussed and the prospects seemed favorable for at least some of us making the ascent on Wednesday.
The Fyles party preceded us down and we followed about half an hour later. The descent through the chimney was uneventful and really enjoyed by all. At the foot of the chimney instead of retracing our steps down in the usual direction, we decided to go down the scree slope directly from the foot of the chimney toward the ridge, which joins the peak in front of our camp. The north side of this ridge has small patches of glacier ice on which we glissaded, and took more movie shots. We then crossed the ridge, descending directly down to the camp by the route which we climbed it on Wednesday.
{Before we arrived at the camp at 3.30, Peter (had gone) on ahead and had tea ready and. supper prepared.
The meal consisted of Julienne, melba toast with black current jam and cheese, and more tea. Just now it is clouding up and the odd spot of rain is falling. The weather looks uncertain as the wind still persists in blowing from the east. (Tusk 7600 feet)
Tuesday - August 17 (THE ASCENT of MOUNT GARIBALDI:
Tuesday morning we wakened and breakfasted as usual, and about 9 a.m. Tom Fyles, Bill Wheatly, and their boys, came over and we completed arrangements to go down to Lakeside camp in the afternoon with the idea of' climbing Garibaldi on Wednesday. These plans matured and we met the party at the Wallis camp about 1.30, packing our sleeping equipment and food down to Driftwood Bay. We took the boat (to) Lakeside about 3.15 p.m. The voyage across the lake was pleasant but an unfavorable wind lengthened the journey to 1 3/4 hours. We reached the campsite (near Table Bay), and packing our supplies ashore commenced looking for suitable locations on which to camp for the night. A few drops of rain fell and it looked as though we might be in for a wet time. However, it cleared off later and the evening was fair and clear with a beautiful moon coming over the mountain.
Paula, Elda and Peter located a snug little nook in which to pitch their tent, while the Fyles party erected their fly near the lakeshore. After the tents were put up and things put in shipshape order for the night, we had supper. Mosquitoes were a little bad, but as the evening wore on they gradually disappeared end caused us no further inconvenience. Tom, Bill, and Jim Fyles made a short trip to Table Meadows while Elda and Peter whiled away an hour and a half fishing. Unfortunately their efforts were in vain, but the Lake was a perfect picture of reflections of mountains, trees, clouds, and flowers. The Harpers sat around the fire and waited. On the return of the Fyles bunch from the Meadows the would-be fishermen came ashore, and we all sat around the fire and enjoyed a slng-song of the most varied nature. It is indeed astounding the quality and variety of talent which can be uncovered in a gathering of this kind. The moon rose over the mountain giving us a scene of unparalleled beauty looking over the Lake towards Sentinel, Castle Towers and Panorama Ridge. We retired about 9.30.
Wednesday - August 18 (ASCENT of MOUNT GARIBALDI
Wednesday morning we wakened (we, including Elda, Paula and Peter in a 7x7 tent) at about 4 a.m., but as we heard no stir in the Fyles camp we decided that the weather must have turned unfavorable during the night, so we went to sleep once more. This is the softest, warmest bed we have had since we came to Garibaldi!
About 5 o'clock sounds were heard from the camp below and in a few minutes we were out and busy preparing our breakfast, as the weather seemed to promise all that could be desired. Promptly at 6 o'clock we took the boat to the foot of Sentinel Glacier arriving there about 6.30 a.m. Without any delay the party started up the Glacier.
We travelled a short distance on the ice until the going commenced to get rather slippery, when Tom Fyles and Bill Wheatly and Peter put on their crampons. Grease paint as a protection against sunburn was applied at this point. Going on up Sentinel Glacier we noticed on our left the party from Wallis Camp, which had rowed over in the morning. They were travelling very quickly and quite some distance to the east. When we reached the top of the ridge above Crescent Lake we roped up, and looking down below us we saw the Wallis party separated with quite some distance between each of them, at the foot of the Warren Glacier.
While the crevasses were not particularly spectacular it was ample evidence of the treacherous nature of this phase of glacier travel, as the snow bridges these chasms and appears to be perfectly safe and yet falls away to tremendous depths below. We climbed steadily though fairly slowly until we reached the cornice at the foot of the peak. We were able to make our way across the snow bridge under the cornice which had an overhang of about ten or fifteen feet. We went east upon the cornice until we reached the snow ledge. Here Tom started up and cut steps for the rest of us. In a few minutes we had reached the foot of the rock leading to the peak. This was covered in a few minutes and at 12:30 we were on top.
On arriving we found Evelyn Tye the picture of dejection, sitting alone on the peak, the rest of the Wallis party having left her to climb the pinnacles. Bill Wheatly busied himself with his canned heat and prepared to make tea. This proved to be rather tedious process, especially in view of the fact that we were especially dry, cold, and hungry. The fog settled down over the peak entirely erasing our view. We ate our lunch and anxiously waited the boiling of the tea kettle. I think we all agreed that this was the most enjoyable cup of tea we had ever enjoyed the privilege drinking. Peter was so dry he simply could not eat his sandwiches.
At 2.10 we started down. To at least four of us this going down snow slopes backward was a new and thrilling experience. However, this was accomplished without mishap and we were soon again under the cornice on our return journey. Going down is certainly not as laborious as ascending and we made very good time. We had descended around 1500 feet when we were overtaken by the party from Wallis Camp who seemed to be bent on speed. They passed us and were only caught up at the foot of Warren Glacier. The rest of the descent to the Lake was without incident.
At 5.15 we took the boat and rowed to Lakeside Camp. Arriving there we hurriedly broke camp and packed for our return to the (Black) Tusk Meadows. Tom and Bill Wheatly in the meantime brewed a delicious cup of tea, which we thoroughly enjoyed. In fact that is putting it mildly – we had several cups of tea!
We found ourselves when ready to embark, with still one pot of tea unconsumed so at Mrs. H’s insistence the tea was taken aboard the boat and several members of the party refreshed themselves during the voyage.
The evening was simply delightful and the good-fellowship, which had constantly accompanied our entire trip, still prevailed during the beautiful sail to Driftwood Bay. Songs – good - bad - and indifferent resounded over hill and dale. Riddles were asked and general pandemonium for some time. We reached Driftwood Bay at 8 o' clock. Little time was lost in removing the luggage and making the journey up the slope. Here the party became separated, as Fyles and Wheatly seemed to be able to make better time than our party, so we decided to take our time and make it in comfort.
About 200 feet below the top of the trail a voice rung out, "Come on Mr. Harper," and we found Donald Gray waiting to welcome us, and he immediately relieved Mrs. Harper of her pack and guided us across the Meadows to our own camp. Approaching our camp across the Meadows gave us quite a thrill, as the campfire and candlelight were plainly visible. We also heard the voice of a male, which we failed to understand, as we had left any of these in camp when we departed.
On arriving at the campfire we were welcomed in the most charming manner by Anne, whom we found had excelled herself as hostess in preparing for us what we were sadly in need of, little hoped for, and eagerly anticipated! The most delightful meal! The "male" voiced member turned out to be none other than the gallant Bill Tailor who had arrived the afternoon before. We had quite a party, including Donald Gray, Bill Tailor, Yvonne Thacker, and ourselves. We soon did ample justice to a meal of Julienne, bacon, new carrots, rice and lentil patties, jelly dessert and coffee.
After our visitors had left we busied ourselves preparing for the night, replacing our sleeping bags, and turned in about 9.45.
Thursday - August 19 (HIKE to LESSER GARIBALDI LAKE and
We got up a little later than usual after having had a heavy day on Wednesday, and during the a.m. members of the Wallis Camp visited us on their way to the Barrier. They spent probably 20 minutes or more with us. Bill Tailor had gone up to Helmet Glacier early in the morning and we were expecting him back in time to go to the Barrier with us in the afternoon.
We lunched about 12.30 on Bill's return, and left for the Barrier about 1.30. We took the trail through the Meadows by way of the Water Board cabin which we inspected, and from there by Lesser Garibaldi Lake, Stony Creek, down to the Barrier, arriving there about 3:30 p.m. The Wallis bunch were strewn over the rocks, and after a few minutes started their return journey.
About 4.10 we also started home, and on the way Mrs. H. decided that we should see the strange rock formations, which she had noticed 20 years previously. So, with this object in view we did not return by way of the W.B. cabin but kept to the trail paralleling Stoney Creek. This certainly was a delightful walk, but we were unfortunately unable to locate the rocks in question. We followed this trail however, until we started to descend toward Driftwood Bay at the mouth of Mimulus Creek. Here we we rested a short time, and decided to return through the bush to the Meadows. This hike was altogether delightful, the distance varying from two to eleven miles, and the gullies, according to Bill Tailor, anywhere from 1 to 3 thousand feet deep.
We reached camp about 6:05, and soon decided that pancakes were the order of the day. By the time they were made we were all so disgusted we failed to appreciate than. After the dishes were done Donald Gray arrived and the girls proceeded to toast marshmallows in honor of our last night in camp. The moon has been improving in grandeur each evening, and this night it surpassed itself even, in the magic beauty created only by the light of a silvery planet (which astronomers claim to be a "dead world" - but Oh how alive it makes our old world at times).
Our friend Bill Tailor seemed to feel that this occasion on offered an excellent opportunity to regale us with various tales of his experiences in Africa during the Boer war. These were greatly appreciated, especially by Peter, who was quite unable to keep awake and could only remember about the grave holding a casket filled with "Krueger's Gold" - and the one about the walking corpse. The supply of these yarns seemed to be endless end as the time sped by and we were all getting weary, with no respite in sight, Elda, by way of a gentle hint, got a basin of water and commenced to perform her toilet by the fire, right in front of the whole party. Not to be outdone, Ann followed suit. Donald seemed to grasp the general idea eventually and we all put the fire out, and Bill likewise departed to his tent. GOOD EVENING!
We wakened about 7 o’clock, breakfasted and commenced to pack with the idea of getting away as early as possible. About 10 a.m. we were all ready and started for Daisy Lake by way of the lower trail. This route is undoubtedly farther than the upper trail, but as we had come in by the upper road, we decided on a change. This route is certainly not as picturesque as the upper one, and the flowers not nearly as plentiful. About an hour on our way we met two lads sitting dejectedly by the wayside wondering how much further it was to the Meadows, and if the mosquitoes were bad, and how long it would take to get there. We heartened them with our enthusiastic description of the beauties of the Meadows and flowers, and with the information that the distance was not sufficiently long to require more than an hour-and-a-half hiking. This seemed to encourage them somewhat and we left them to wend their way upward.
We went down slowly and very comfortably until we had passed the first Meadows, when were besieged by millions of mosquitoes and we had to halt and apply some of Peter' s famous "dope" to prevent extreme discomfort from these pests. We arrived at Alec Monroe’s cabin at 2.40 p.m. and found it to be infested with strange females who, upon our approach, took fright and hurried to the protection of the male members of their community. We found Alec down in the corral saddling the horses in preparation for a trip to the Meadows. Mrs. H. spied A.G. Harvey on the back of one of the horses preparing to go up to Garibaldi; no blankets, no food, no coat, but going just the same.
After their departure Mrs. Munroe very kindly served afternoon tea in their cabin, which was greatly enjoyed and appreciated, seeing that we had eaten little up until that time. We then went into a huddle to decide on the advisability of going home by the train immediately or remaining overnight. Having considered the matter from all angles we decided in favor of the former course, and Alec said he would put our baggage on Saturday's train, which procedure apparently had been followed before.