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X-Country Skiing & Snowshoeing Videos

Hollyburn Mountain (February 2012)

The first cross-country skiers appeared on Hollyburn in 1925. Beginning in the early 1930's, downhill skiing became more popular. With the development of downhill ski runs on Mount Strachan and Black Mountain in the 1970's, cross-country skiers returned to Hollyburn Mountain


A New Generation of Skiers on Hollyburn Mountain  (February 2017)

The first cross-country skiers appeared on Hollyburn in 1925. Beginning in the early 1930's, downhill skiing became more popular. With the development of downhill ski runs on Mount Strachan and Black Mountain in the 1970's, cross-country skiers returned to Hollyburn Mountain.


A week before Christmas 2013, on the first day Hollyburn Lodge opened during the 2013/2014 ski season, HHS recorded these scenes on the Hollyburn Meadows snowshoe trail, the area around Hollyburn Lodge, and the first part of the Ancient Giants snowshoe trail that crosses First Lake and climbs the Popfly hill to the First Lake Lookout. The pace here is gentle. Be patient.  Enjoy the varied patterns of snow on the trees and bushes. Two canines make a brief appearance. TOTAL TIME: 7 minutes 40 seconds

Photos taken along the Hollyburn Mountain Public Access Trail from the cross-country parking lot to Romstads hill, April 2, 2019. At the end of the video a grouse visits with two hikers. The last photo was taken by visitors from South Africa.

This 3 minute video features photos taken by Anna Grant during a snowshoe hike to the North Peak of Mt. Strachan on April 30, 2019.