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A champion is defined as a person who wins a competition or a tournament; a person who exemplifies excellence or achievement. During the North Shore mountains' 'golden age' from 1927 to 1955, there were many champions. In the 1920's and 30's, most were affiliated with a ski club. After WW 2, a few began to compete independently. When one tries to identify all those pioneer skiers and ski jumpers worthy of the title 'champion', errors and/or omissions are bound to be made.

The Hollyburn Heritage Society welcomes comments and suggestions from visitors to this web page regarding which North Shore mountains' ski pioneers should be added to this list of champions: Noel ‘Irish’ Beaumont, Harry Burfield, Druce Cooke, Chris Engh, Fred Finkenhagen, Finn Fladmark, Ron Glover, Bill Hansen, Jim Hennigar, Ted Hunt, Ole Johannsen, Gus Johnson, Nordal Kaldahl, Abie Knight, Lindsay Loutet, Bud MacInnes, Les May, Tom Mobraaten, Jack Pratt, Gar Robinson, Jack Roocroft, Halvar Sellesback, Harald Smejda, Axel Sneis, Henry Sotvedt, Olaf Swedahl, Daisy Bourdon. Bertha Hague, Peggy Harlin, Ruth Larsen, Doris Parkes, Gertie Wepsala, Naomi Wilson MacInnes

Photo Group 1 - The 'Three Musketeers'

Photo Group 2 - Nordal Kaldahl

Photo Group 3 - Tom Mobraaten, Henry Sotvedt, Chris Engh, Noel 'Irish' Beaumont, George Bury

Photo Group 4 - Finn Fladmark, Druce Cooke, Noel 'Irish' Beaumont, Les May, Bill Hansen

Group 5 - Doris Parkes, Daisy (nee Bourden) Johnson, Bertha Haigh, Peggy (nee Harlin) Mobraaten, Ruth larden, Thelma Hutchinson, Naomi (nee Wilson) MacInnes

Photo Group 6 - Jack Pratt, Jack Roocroft, Harry Burfield

Group 7 - Axel Sneis, Harold Smeida, Gus Johnson, Brian Creer, Bud MacInnes, Paddy Wing, Jack Wood, Tor Orr, Gar Robinson, Al Menzies, Ole Johannsen