- > Home
- > Contact Us
- > Hollyburn Historic Sites Walking Tour
- > Hollyburn Lodge Renewal Project - List of Donors
- > Hollyburn Lodge Renewal Project - A Historical Perspective - Lessons Learned
- > Official Opening of the Renewed Hollyburn Lodge (January 15, 2017 - Photos)
- > Hollyburn Lodge - Thank you for being part of the future! - Jackie Swanson
- > "It Takes a Community to Build a Lodge" - Kevin Healy
- > Hollyburn Lodge Renewal Project Photos (2016)
- > Hollyburn Lodge Renewal Project Photos (2015)
- > Hollyburn Lodge Farewell BBQ - April 24, 2015
- > Hollyburn Lodge Restoration Project Timeline
Proposed Fred Burfield's Tractor/Bombardier Museum at First Lake
- > Fred Burfield's Bombardier on Hollyburn Mountain -Vintage Photos
- > The Restoration of Fred Burfield's Bombardier - Steve Richards
- > The Restoration of Fred Burfield’s Bombardier - Photos
- > John Deere Tractors on Hollyburn Mtn - Video & Photos
- > Fred Burfield's John Deere Tractor Restoration Project – Peter Tapp
- > Fred Burfield's John Deere Tractor Restoration Project - Video & Photos
- > Fred Burfield's John Deere Tractor After Restoration - Photos & Video
- > Pioneers
- > Howe Sound Crest Trail 2020
- > Views from the Major Summits in Cypress Provincial Park (Photos)
- > The Hollyburn Shoulder & Romstads Run (Photos & Video)
- > Hollyburn Plateau Lakes (Photos)
- > Hollyburn Plateau Lakes (Videos)
- > Hollyburn Mountain Public Access Trail
- > Hollyburn Lodge, First Lake (Videos)
- > Hollyburn Ridge Lakes (Photos)
- > West Lake (Videos)
- > Blue Gentian Lake Videos
- > Hollyburn Ridge Creeks (Videos)
- > Natural Historians at Work on the Brothers Creek Trail (July 2013 - Photos & Video)
- > Old Growth Conservancy on Hollyburn Ridge (Photos)
- > Black Mountain Plateau Lakes (Photos)
- > Yew Lake In Cypress Provincial Park (Powerpoint Slides, Photos & Videos)
- > North Shore Mountains Historical Timeline (1875 - 2010)
- > Artifacts of Yesteryear (A.G.M. F.)
- > The History of Hollyburn Lodge - Don Grant
- > Hollyburn Lodge Photos (1924-1984)
- > Hollyburn Lodge Videos: "Hollyburn Lodge Through the Seasons & Generations"
- > The Hollyburn Trail (1922-1927) Articles by Pollough Pogue
- > “The Ski Camp At the ‘Old Mill’ Site” – Eilif Haxthow’s Hollyburn Journal (October 1924 - January 1928)
- > Searching for the Nasmyth Mill Site - Part 1 (Don Grant)
- > The Hollyburn Pacific Ski Club of Vancouver, B.C. - Rudolph J. Verne (1927)
- > Hollyburn Mountain Articles by Pollough Pogue (1927) & Photos from HHS Archives
- > The Swedes At the Hollyburn Ski Camp (1927 -1946)
- > The Burfield Family At Hollyburn Ski Lodge (1946 -1983)
- > History of Hollyburn Ridge - Ted Russell
- > Walks in West Vancouver - Hikes on Hollyburn Ridge (1929
- > Hi-View Lodge & the Chairlift (1951 – 1965)
- > Hollyburn Ridge Brochure circa 1954
- > 1962 Boy Scout Map of Hollyburn Mtn
- > West Lake Camp/Lodge (1932 - 1938) "The Other Side of the Mountain"
- > Westlake Ski Lodge (1939 – 1987)
Prose & Poetry
- > "Heritage of Hollyburn – Holmenkollen (Cabin 225)"
- > "The History of the HWTC" – Bob Tapp
- > "The Bread Lady's Cabin" - Vince Hernandez
- > "Cabin Builders on Hollyburn Ridge (1930’s)" - Hal Plumsteel
- > "Hollyburn Cabin ‘North Plus Fours’ Through the Generations" - Don Grant
- > "Many A Notch In Time" - A.G.M.F.
- > "The Building of Alasker Inn" - Dick Andersen
- > "Par-a-dice Inn" - Jack Branston
- > "Youthful Days on Hollyburn Mtn – 1960’s (Part 1)" - A.G.M.F.
- > "Youthful Days on Hollyburn Mtn – 1960’s (Part 2)" - A.G.M.F.
- > "Braced for Every Season" A.G.M.F.
- > "Hollyburn Hideaways" - A.G.M.F.
- > "Cabineers" - A.G.M.F.
- > "Called To Higher Ground" - A.G.M.F.
- > "After Autumn Leaves" - A.G.M.F.
- > "Ridgeline Vignettes" - A.G.M.F.
- > "A Reverent Ode to the Outdoor Commode" - A.G.M.F.
- > "A Ramble on Hollyburn Ridge" - A.G.M.F.
- > "When A Mountain Comes to Mind" - A.G.M.F.
- > "A Fine Place to Rest" - A.G.M.F.
- > "To A Cabin In the Woods" - A.G.M.F.
- > "HEWN BY HAND" - A.G.M.F.
- > "On Winter At First Lake" - A.G.M.F.
- > "Hollyburn Lodge" - A.G.M.F.
- > "A Curious Encounter" - A.G.M.F.
- > Cabins
Competitive Sports
The Jack & Thelma Hutchinson Collection
- > The Jack & Thelma Hutchinson Collection (Page 2) Photos
- > The Jack & Thelma Hutchinson Collection (Page 3) Photos
- > The Jack & Thelma Hutchinson Collection (Page 4) Photos
- > The Jack & Thelma Hutchinson Collection (Page 5) Photos
- > The Jack & Thelma Hutchinson Collection (Page 6) Photos
- > The Jack & Thelma Hutchinson Collection (Page 7) Photos
- > The Jack & Thelma Hutchinson Collection (Page 8) Photos
- > The Jack & Thelma Hutchinson Collection (Page 9) Photos
- > The Jack & Thelma Hutchinson Collection (Page 10) Photos
- > The Jack & Thelma Hutchinson Collection (Page 11) Documents
- > The Jack & Thelma Hutchinson Collection (Page 12) Documents
The 'Golden Age' on Hollyburn Mtn (1927/1928 & 1928/1929 Ski Seasons)
- > The 'Golden Age' on Hollyburn Mtn (1929/30 & 1930/1931 Ski Seasons)
- > The 'Golden Age' on Hollyburn Mtn (1931/32 & 1932/1933 Ski Seasons)
- > The 'Golden Age' on Hollyburn Mtn (1933/34 Ski Season)
- > The 'Golden Age' on Hollyburn Mtn (1934/35 Ski Season)
- > The 'Golden Age' on Hollyburn Mtn (1935/1936 Ski Season)
- > The 'Golden Age' on Hollyburn Mtn (1936/1937 Ski Season)
- > The 'Golden Age' on Hollyburn Mtn (1937/1938 Ski Season)
- > The 'Golden Age' on Hollyburn Mtn (1938/1939 Ski Season)
Pollough Pogue's Hiker & Skier Magazine - Volumes 1 & 2 (1932/1933)
- > Pollough Pogue's Hiker & Skier Magazine - Volume 3 (1934/1935)
- > Pollough Pogue's Hiker & Skier Magazine - Volume 4 (1935/1936)
- > Pollough Pogue's Hiker & Skier Magazine - Volume 5 (1936/1937)
- > Pollough Pogue's Hiker & Skier Magazine - Volume 6 (1937/1938)
- > Pollough Pogue's Hiker & Skier Magazine - Volume 7 (1938/1939) Nos. 1, 2, 3
- > Pollough Pogue's Hiker & Skier Magazine - Volume 7 (1938/1939) Nos. 6, 7, 8
- > Heroes of the Harnessed Hickory (Parts 1 & 2)
- > Heroes of the Harnessed Hickory (Parts 3 & 4
- > Hollyburn Mountain
- > Grouse Mountain
- > Mount Seymour
- > Princeton
- > Revelstoke
- > Banff, Alberta
- > Pacific Northwest - Snoqualmie & Mt Hood
The Jack & Thelma Hutchinson Collection
Recreational Skiing
Recreational Skiing In Cypress Provincial Park
- > Historic Ski Runs On Hollyburn Mountain
- > Recreational Skiing on Hollyburn Mountain - 1920's & 1930's (Photos)
- > Recreational Skiing on Hollyburn Mountain - 1940's (Photos)
- > Recreational Skiing on Hollyburn Mountain - 1930's, 1940's, 1950's (Videos)
- > Recreational Skiing on Hollyburn Mountain - 1950's & 1960's (Photos)
- > Recreational Skiing on Hollyburn Mountain - 1970's (Photos)
- > Historic Ski Runs On Mount Strachan (Photos)
- > Recreational Skiing On Black Mountain (Photos)
- > Recreational Skiing On Grouse Mountain (Photos)
- > Recreational Skiing On Mt. Seymour (Video & Photos)
- > Recreational Skiing Near Princeton, BC (Photos)
- > Recreational Skiing On Mount Baker (Photos)
Recreational Skiing In Cypress Provincial Park
The Trail to Hollyburn Peak (Photos & Video)
- > Lake Country on Hollyburn Mountain
- > Historic References to Yew Lake (Cypress Lake) - 1920's
- > Yew Lake & Black Mtn
- > Howe Sound Crest Trail Part 1 - Mount Strachan
- > Howe Sound Crest Trail Part 2 - Strachan Meadows to West Lion Peak
- > Howe Sound Crest Trail Part 3 - West Lion To Deeks Lake
- > Mt Brunswick Peak from Porteau Cove circa 1940 (Varsity Outdoor Club)
- > Hiking Near Grouse Mtn
Garibaldi Provincial Park
- > Explorations In Garibaldi Provincial Park - 1930's
- > Garibaldi Provincial Park: Around Garibaldi Lake
- > Garibaldi Provincial Park: Elfin Lakes & Diamond Head
- > The Black Tusk
- > "The Brandvolds of Diamond Head" - Irene Howard
- > Brandvold Family Reunion At Diamond Head Chalet – September 15, 2007
- > Garibaldi Provincial Park Hike Videos - Summer 2019
The Trail to Hollyburn Peak (Photos & Video)
Cypress Now
- > Cypress Creek Lodge
- > X-Country Skiing & Snowshoeing Videos
Snowshoeing Photos
- > Snowshoe Trails To Hollyburn Lodge
- > Ancient Giants & Marr Giant Connector Trail
- > Ridge Traverse Trail
- > Ridge Fall Line Trail
- > Far East Trail
- > Upper Glades Loop Trail
- > Public Access Trail to Hollyburn Peak
- > Snowshoeing On the Black Mtn Plateau
- > Snowshoeing On Mt. Strachan
- > Howe Sound Crest Trail To Bowen Lookout & Binkert Kiosk
Hiking Photos & Videos
- > Cypress Provincial Park Map - Section 1 (West)
- > Cypress Provincial Park Map - Section 2 (East)
- > 10 Minute Trail to Hollyburn Lodge (March 2013 - Photos)
- > Hollyburn Lodge via the Westlake Road & the Main Trail (April 2013 - Photos)
- > Brothers Creek Trail to the Junction with Crossover Trail (April 2013 - Photos & Video)
- > Brothers Creek Trail to the Junction with Blue Gentian Trail (April 2013 - Photos)
- > Brothers Creek Trail - Crossover Trail Junction to the Upper Falls (July 2013 - Photos & Video)
- > Baden-Powell Trail to the Snowline (May 2013 - Photos)
- > Views of Lawson Creek along the Baden-Powell Trail to the Crossover Trail (May 2013 - Photos)
- > Crossover Trail on Hollyburn Ridge (June 2013 - Photos & Video)
- > Trail to Blue Gentian Lake & the Baden-Powell Trail from the Upper Brothers Creek Bridge (October 2013 - Photos)
- > Blue Gentian Lake to Hollyburn Lodge via West Lake (November 2013 - Photos)
- > Descent of the Fire Access Road In WV's Upper Lands (July 2013 - Photos))
- > Upper Brothers Creek Trail to Lost Lake (July 2013 - Photos)
- > Views of Small Lakes & Ponds along the Unknown Lake Trail (August 2017 - Photos)
- > Hollyburn Peak via the Powerline Trail & the Plateau (July 2013 - Photos)
- > Hollyburn Plateau via the junction of the Baden-Powell Trail & the Old Strachan Trail (July 2013 - Photos)
- > Old Trail to Mount Strachan - Part 1 (August 2013 - Photos)
- > Old Trail to Mount Strachan - Part 2 (August 2013 - Photos)
- > Black Mountain (July 23 - Photos)
- > HSCT East - Trailhead to Binkert Kiosk (July 2013 - Photos)
- > HSCT - Binkert Kiosk to Mt. St. Marks (July 2013 - Photos)
- > HSCT Trail (Summer 2017 & 2018 - Photos)
- > Partners
- > Site Map
Website Map
A. Home
B. Contact Us
01. HHS Newsletters
C. Projects
01. Hollyburn Lodge Renewal Project - List of Donors
02. Hollyburn Lodge Renewal Project - A Historical Perspective - Lessons Learned
03. Official Opening of the Renewed Hollyburn Lodge (January 15, 2017 - Photos)
04. Hollyburn Lodge - Thank you for being part of the future - Jackie Swanson
05. "It Takes a Community to Build a Lodge" - Kevin Healy
06. Hollyburn Lodge Renewal Project Photos (2017)
07. Hollyburn Lodge Renewal Project Photos (2016)
08. Hollyburn Lodge Renewal Project Photos (2015)
09. Hollyburn Lodge Farewell BBQ - April 24, 2015
10. Hollyburn Lodge Restoration Project Timeline
11. Proposed Fred Burfield's Tractor / Bombardier Museum at First Lake
a. Fred Burfield's Bombardier On Hollyburn Mountain - Vintage Photos
b. The Restoration of Fred Burfield's Bombardier – Steve Richards
c. The Restoration of Fred Burfield's Bombardier – Photos
d. John Deere Tractors On Hollyburn Mountain - Video & Photos
e. Fred Burfield's John Deere Tractor Restoration Project – Peter Tapp
f. Fred Burfield's John Deere Tractor Restoration Project – Video & Photos
g. Fred Burfield's John Deere Tractor After Restoration - Photos & Video
D. Pioneers (Pioneer Skiers' Reunions)
01. Hugh 'Torchy' Aikens - Mountain Photographer (10 Videos)
02. Hugh 'Torchy' Aikens - Mountain Photographer (Videos - Page 2)
03. Remembering Hollyburn's Pioneers 1 - Eilif Haxthow; Rudolph Verne, Oscar Pearson, Olle Anderson, Andrew & Stina Irving;
Ommund B. Ommundsen, Margaret Ommundsen; Chris & Myrna Engh; Buddy Barker; 'Brownie' Morris; Hugh 'Torchy' Aikens; Brian Creer;
Bud & Naomi MacInnes
04. Remembering Hollyburn's Pioneers 2 - Fred Burfield & family; Gerry Hardman; Alf Staley; Peggy Pratt; Chuck Gillrie; Denise Fiala; Bob Tapp;
Alex Swanson
E. Geography
01. Howe Sound Crest Trail 2020 (Videos)
02. Views from the Major Summits in Cypress Provincial Park (Photos)
03. The Hollyburn Shoulder & Romstads Run (Photos & Video)
04. Hollyburn Plateau Lakes (Photos)
05. Hollyburn Plateau Lakes (Videos)
06. Hollyburn Mountain Public Access Trail - April 2, 2019 (Video)
07. Hollyburn Lodge, First lake (Videos)
08. Hollyburn Ridge Lakes (Photos)
09. West Lake (Videos)
10. Blue Gentian Lake (Videos)
11. Hollyburn Ridge Creeks (Videos)
12. Natural Historians at Work on the Brothers Creek Trail (July 2013 - Photos & Video)
13. Old Growth Conservancy on Hollyburn Ridge (Photos)
14. Black Mountain Plateau Lakes (Photos)
15. Yew Lake In Cypress Provincial Park (Powerpoint Slides, Photos & Videos)
F. History
01. North Shore Mountains Historical Timeline (1875 - 2010)
02. "Artifacts of Yesteryear (A.G.M.F.)
03. The History of Hollyburn Lodge - Don Grant
a. Hollyburn Lodge: An Important Part of Our Heritage (Excerpts from the 2006 “Request for Proposal” document)
b. Embracing Our History & Heritage - A Tale of Two Lodges (Hollyburn Lodge & Cypress Creek Lodge) 2013
04. Hollyburn Lodge Photos (1924-1984)
a. Hollyburn Lodge Photos (1984-2015)
05. Hollyburn Lodge Videos: "Hollyburn Lodge Through the Seasons & Generations"
a. "First Lake Through the Seasons"
b. Burfield Family Home Movies - "First Lake Summer"
06. The Hollyburn Trail (1922-1927) Articles by Pollough Pogue
07. “The Ski Camp At the ‘Old Mill’ Site” – Eilif Haxthow’s Hollyburn Journal (October 1924 - January 1928)
a. Eilif Haxthow's Hollyburn Photo Gallery
b. The Ski Camp at the 'Old Mill' Site (1925 - 1926) Articles by Pollough Pogue
c. The Ski Camp at the 'Old Mill' Site (1926 - Part 2) Articles by Pollough Pogue
08. Searching for the Nasmyth Mill Site (Part 1) - Don Grant
a. Searching for the Nasmyth Mill Site (Part 2) - Don Grant
09. The Hollyburn Pacific Ski Club, of Vancouver, B.C. - Rudolph J. Verne (1927)
a. A Sportman's Paradise - Rudolph J. Verne (1929)
10. Hollyburn Mountain Articles by Pollough Pogue (1927) & Photos from HHS Archives
a. Hollyburn Mountain Articles by Pollough Pogue (1928) & Photos from HHS Archives
11. The Swedes At the Hollyburn Ski Camp (1926 - 1946)
a. The Swedes Return to Hollyburn Lodge - July 31st, 2013
12. The Burfield Family At Hollyburn Ski Lodge (1946 - 1983)
13. History of Hollyburn Ridge - Ted Russell
a. A Short History of Hollyburn Mtn – Iola Knight
b. Hollyburn Memoirs - Scotty Finlayson
c. Reflections of Hollyburn - Jim Graham
d. "Sentimental Journey" - Naomi Wilson MacInnes
e. Memory Lane: Golden Age Remembered - Laura Anderson
14. Walks In West Van – Hikes on Hollyburn Ridge (1929)
a. How We Got To Hollyburn – Iola Knight
b. The Ferry Trip To West Vancouver (1929) - Then & Now
c. The Heaps Logging Company & the Forks Store
15. Hi-View Lodge & the Chairlift (1951 – 1965) (Photos)
a. The Saga of the Hollyburn Chairlift - Donald Grant
16. Hollyburn Ridge Brochure circa 1954
17. Hollyburn Ridge Brochure 1963
18. 1962 Boy Scout Map of Hollyburn Mtn
a. 1963 Boy Scout Map of Hollyburn Mtn
19. West Lake Ski Camp/Lodge (1932 -1938) "The Other Side of the Mountain"
a. West Lake Ski Camp/Lodge Photos
20. Westlake Ski Lodge (1939 – 1986
a. Norm Deacon's Home Movies of Westlake Lodge (1950's & early 1960's)
b. Westlake Lodge - Rick Crosby
G. Prose & Poetry
01. "Heritage of Hollyburn – Holmenkollen (Cabin 225)"
02. "The History of the HWTC" – Bob Tapp
03. "The Bread Lady's Cabin" - Vince Hernandez
04. "Cabin Builders On Hollyburn Ridge (1930’s)" - Hal Plumsteel
05. "Hollyburn Cabin ‘North Plus Fours’ Through the Generations" - Don Grant
06. "Many A Notch In Time" - A.G.M.F.
07. "The Building of Alasker Inn" - Dick Andersen
08. "Par-a-dice Inn" - Jack Branston
09. "Youthful Days On Hollyburn Mtn - 1960’s (Part 1)" - A.G.M.F.
10. "Youthful Days On Hollyburn Mtn - 1960's (Part 2)" - A.G.M.F.
11. "Braced for Every Season" A.G.M.F.
12. "Hollyburn Hideaways' - A.G.M.F.
13. "Cabineers" - A.G.M.F.
14. "Called To Higher Ground" - A.G.M.F.
15. "After Autumn Leaves" - A.G.M.F.
16. "Ridgeline Vignettes" - A.G.M.F.
17. "A Reverent Ode To the Outdoor Commode" - A.G.M.F.
18. "A Ramble On Hollyburn Ridge" - A.G.M.F.
19. "When A Mountain Comes To Mind"- A.G.M.F.
20. "A Fine Place To Rest"- A.G.M.F.
21. "To a Cabin In the Woods"- A.G.M.F.
23. "HEWN BY HAND" - A.G.M.F.
24. "On Winter At First Lake" - A.G.M.F.
25. "Hollyburn Lodge" - A.G.M.F.
26. "A Curious Encounter" - A.G.M.F.
H. Cabins
01. Karl Ricker's Hollyburn Ridge Cabin Study - Overview
a. Karl Ricker's Hollyburn Ridge Cabin Study I (Cabin Sites 91-199)
b. Karl Ricker's Hollyburn Ridge Cabin Study II (Cabin Sites 200-249)
c. Karl Ricker's Hollyburn Ridge Cabin Study III (Cabin Sites 250-320)
d. Karl Ricker's Hollyburn Cabin Study IV (Data Summaries)
02. Hollyburn Ridge Cabin Photos
a. Hollyburn Ridge Cabins (1920 - 1950)
b. Hollyburn Ridge Cabins 94 to 172
c. Hollyburn Ridge Cabins 173 to 216
d Hollyburn Ridge Cabins 217 to 259
e. Hollyburn Ridge Cabins 261 to 319
f. Freehold Cabins on Hollyburn Ridge
03. "Pollough Pogue - A Hollyburn Original" - Iola Knight
a. "The Higher Lunacy" – Pollogh Pogue
b. Hollyburn Cabins - Two Articles by Pollough Pogue
I. Competitive Sports (Pre-2010)
01. The Jack & Thelma Hutchinson Collection
a. The Jack & Thelma Hutchinson Collection (Page 2) Photos
b. The Jack & Thelma Hutchinson Collection (Page 3) Photos
c. The Jack & Thelma Hutchinson Collection (Page 4) Photos
d. The Jack & Thelma Hutchinson Collection (Page 5) Photos
e. The Jack & Thelma Hutchinson Collection (Page 6) Photos
f. The Jack & Thelma Hutchinson Collection (Page 7) Photos
g. The Jack & Thelma Hutchinson Collection (Page 8) Photos
h. The Jack & Thelma Hutchinson Collection (Page 9) Photos
i. The Jack & Thelma Hutchinson Collection (Page 10) Photos
j. The Jack & Thelma Hutchinson Collection (Page 11) Documents
k. The Jack & Thelma Hutchinson Collection (Page 12) Documents
02. The 'Golden Age' on Hollyburn Mtn (1927/1928 & 1928/1929 Ski Seasons)
a. The 'Golden Age' on Hollyburn Mtn (1929/1930 & 1931/1931 Ski Seasons)
b. The 'Golden Age' on Hollyburn Mtn (1931/1932 & 1932/1933 Ski Seasons)
c. The 'Golden Age' on Hollyburn Mtn (1933/1934 Ski Season)
d. The 'Golden Age' on Hollyburn Mtn (1934/1935 Ski Season)
e. The 'Golden Age' on Hollyburn Mtn (1935/1936 Ski Season)
f. The 'Golden Age' on Hollyburn Mtn (1936/1937 Ski Season)
g. The 'Golden Age' on Hollyburn Mtn (1937/1938 Ski Season)
h. The 'Golden Age' on Hollyburn Mtn (1938/1939 Ski Season)
03. Pollough Pogue's Hiker & Skier Magazine - Volumes 1 & 2 (1932/1933 & 1934)
a. Pollough Pogue's Hiker & Skier Magazine - Volume 3 (1934/1935)
b. Pollough Pogue's Hiker & Skier Magazine - Volume 4 (1935/1936)
c. Pollough Pogue's Hiker & Skier Magazine - Volume 5 (1936/1937)
d. Pollough Pogue's Hiker & Skier Magazine - Volume 6 (1937/1938)
e. Pollough Pogue's Hiker & Skier Magazine - Volume 7 (1938/1939) Nos. 1, 2, 3
f. Pollough Pogue's Hiker & Skier Magazine - Volume 7 (1938/1939) Nos. 6, 7, 8
04a. Heroes of the Harnessed Hickory (Parts 1 & 2)
04b. Heroes of the Harnessed Hickory (Parts 3 & 4)
a. A Brief History of Ski Jumping in BC
b. Tom Mobraaten - A Brief Autobiography
c. Gus Johnson and Henry Sotvedt
d. Women Ski Competitors – Daisy Bourdon
e. Lindsay Loutet: A Worker for Skiing
05. Hugh 'Torchy' Aikens - Mountain Photographer (Video)
06. Hollyburn Mountain
a. Hollyburn Pacific Ski Club Brochure - 1927
b. Vancouver Ski Club Cabins
c. Ski Jumping On Hollyburn Mountain
d. Ski Racing On Hollyburn Mountain
e. 2010 Winter Olympics On Cypress Mountain
08. Grouse Mountain (Photos & Video)
09. Princeton - 1940's (Photos)
10. Revelstoke - 1940's (Photos)
11. Banff, Alberta - 1937 (Photos)
12. Pacific Northwest - Snoqualmie & Mt Hood - 1940's (Photos)
J. Recreational Skiing (Pre-2010)
01. Recreational Skiing In Cypress Provincial Park
a. Historic Ski Runs On Hollyburn Mountain
b. Recreational Skiing On Hollyburn Mountain - !920's & 1930's (Photos)
c. Recreational Skiing On Hollyburn Mountain - 1940's (Photos)
d. Recreational Skiing on Hollyburn Mountain - 1930's, 1940's, 1950's (Videos)
e. Recreational Skiing On Hollyburn Mountain - 1950's & 1960's (Photos)
f. Recreational Skiing On Hollyburn Mountain - 1970's (Photos)
g. Historic Ski Runs On Mount Strachan (Photos)
h. Recreational Skiing On Black Mountain (Photos)
02. Recreational Skiing Grouse Mountain (Video & Photos)
03. Recreational Skiing On Mount Seymour (Video & Photos)
04. Recreational Skiing Near Princeton, BC (Photos)
05. Recreational Skiing On Mount Baker (Photos)
01. The Trail To Hollyburn Peak (Photos & Video)
a. Lake Country On Hollyburn Mtn (Videos)
b. Yew Lake & Black Mtn (Video & Photos)
c. Historic References to Yew Lake (Cypress Lake) - 1920's
d. Howe Sound Crest Trail Part 1 - Mount Strachan (Photos)
e. Howe Sound Crest Trail Part 2 - Strachan Meadows To West Lion Peak (Photos)
f. Howe Sound Crest Trail Part 3 - West Lion To Deeks Lake (Photos)
g. Mt Brunswick Peak from Porteau Cove circa 1940 (VOC Photos)
02. Hiking Near Grouse Mtn
a. The 'New' BCMC Trail (Photos)
b. The "Grouse Grind" (Video)
c. Trail To Crown Mountain (Photos)
d. "I Straddled A Mountain"
e. The Camel (Photos)
03. Garibaldi Provincial Park
a. "Explorations In Garibaldi Provincial Park"
b. Garibaldi Provincial Park: Around Garibaldi Lake (Photos by Hugh & Bert Aikens)
c. Garibaldi Provincial Park: Elfin Lakes & Diamond Head (Photos by Hugh Aikens)
d. "The Brandvolds of Diamond Head" - Irene Howard
e. Brandvold Family Reunion At Diamond Head Chalet – September 15, 2007 (Photos)
f. Garibaldi Provincial Park Hike Videos - Summer 2019
02. X-Country Skiing & Snowshoeing Videos
03. Snowshoeing Photos
a. Snowshoe Trails To Hollyburn Lodge
b. Ancient Giants & Marr Giant Connector Trail
c. Ridge Traverse Trail
d. Ridge Fall Line Trail
e. Far East Trail
f. Upper Glades Loop Trail
g. Public Access Trail to Hollyburn Peak
h. Snowshoeing On the Black Mtn. Plateau
i. Snowshoeing On Mt. Strachan
j. Howe Sound Crest Trail To Bowen Lookout & Binkert Kiosk
a. Cypress Provincial Park Map - Section 1 (West)
b. Cypress Provincial Park Map - Section 2 (East)
a. 10 Minute Trail to Hollyburn Lodge (March 2013 - Photos)
b. Hollyburn Lodge via the Westlake Road & the Main Trail (April 2013 - Photos)
c. Brothers Creek Trail to the Junction with the Crossover Trail (April 2013 - Photos)
d. Brothers Creek Trail to the Junction with the Blue Gentian Trail (April 2013 - Photos)
e. Brothers Creek - Crossover Trail Junction to the Upper Falls (July 2013 - Photos)
f. Baden-Powell Trail to the Snowline (May 2013 - Photos)
g. Views of Lawson Creek along the Baden-Powell Trail to the Crossover Trail (May 2013 - Photos)
h. Crossover Trail on Hollyburn Ridge (June 2013 - Photos & Video)
i. Trail to Blue Gentian Lake & the Baden Powell Trail from the Upper Brothers Creek Bridge (October 2013 - Photos)
j. Blue Gentian Lake to Hollyburn Lodge Via West Lake (November 2013 - Photos)
k. Descent of the Fire Access Road in WV's Upper Lands (July 2013 - Photos)
l. Upper Brothers Creek Trail to Lost Lake (July 2013 - Photos)
a. Views of Small Lakes & Ponds along the Unknown Lake Trail (August 2017 - Photos)
b. Hollyburn Peak via the Powerline Trail & the Baden-Powell Trail (July 2013 - Photos)
c. Hollyburn Plateau via the junction with the Baden-Powell Trial and the Old Strachan Trail (July 2013 - Photos)
a. Old Trail to Mount Strachan - Part 1 (August 2013 - Photos)
b. Old Trail to Mount Strachan - Part 2 (August 2013 - Photos)
c. Black Mountain (July 2013 - Photos)
a. HSCT East - Trailhead to Binkert Kiosk (July 2013 - Photos)
b. HSCT - Binkert Kiosk to Mt. St. Marks (July 2013 - Photos)
c. HSCT West - Binkert Kiosk to Yew Lake Trail Junction (July 2013 - Photos)
d. HSCT Trail (Summer 2017 & 2018 - Photos)
01. HHS Photos & Film Donor List
N. Site Map